Friday, March 16, 2012

Confession: Sometimes I do not understand why God does what he does...

My heart is hurting for my friend who is going through a miscarriage. Having gone through it, I know the pain but it makes me question why God does what he does. I just don't get it. Obviously I know in my head that He does things like this because there could be a defect in the baby or something worse but the pain of having to experience the loss of a baby... of a child. The only thing I have found myself doing is praying for them... praying that hearts will heal and that the road to negativity does not last long. Denial in this process is very easy to go to and I hope that does not happen because it truly does make it worse later on down the road.

Dear Jesus,

I just do not understand. I admit, I am ignorant as to why things happen to good people. I've seen this happen to so many people or know people who would make amazing parents never have the opportunity to have a child of their own. I get confused as to why people who should not have children get to be blessed by them and then the opposite happen to those who deserve them. Ha! Who AM I to judge? Shame on me! God, I know that you know what you are doing... this isn't your first rodeo... but that doesn't mean that I lack understanding. I don't know how to be a support to my friend because I feel the denial process has started but don't want to push either. Please give me the wisdom to handle this situation well for them and be able to be a support whenever needed.


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