Hm... well, what would you do if God asked you to sell your "prized" possession and get something that didn't look so good?? That's when I heard it, "Jesus would not ask that of me."
Granted, there are times that He would not ask us to get rid of our possessions but this person talks more about their vehicle than their walk with Jesus. I asked how that relationship was and was told they are going through a "dry" season that they aren't spending time in their word because they just don't have time and besides, what's the point if you are in a dry season.
So, I ask myself... what is the point? Why spend time with Jesus? To me, this is a very obvious answer... .... .... .... BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING. Jesus needs to be our number one. J-E-S-U-S. Not a vehicle. I mess up in this area sometimes but I am thankful because the minute I get caught up in my possessions, it's like God reminds me that they are really His and not mine... I'm just the keeper of them at this time. Drinks get spilled on our white carpet all the time... did it bother me at first? Yeah, a little. Does it bother me now? No. It's carpet and I the time I would spend being upset that my carpet looks lived in, I could be talking/praying with Jesus and not having to worry about whats stained, broken, dented, etc.
I'm not a very elegant speaker but I have learned over the years that our perspective is huge. What is important to us in our earthly beings isn't necessarily important to Jesus or our relationship with him. I often wonder what Heaven will be like. I mean, it's not like I can take my car up there or my couch... Yes, it's nice to have nice things and things that we are proud of, do not get me wrong, but it's where our perspective is on these items. Do we think more about our things [possessions] than we do about Jesus? Do we desire to spend more time with those things [ie, playing video games etc] than in our word or worshiping our Father in Heaven? I used to do this. My priorities were off but I am SO thankful to have my mind in the right place. I love my life and love my relationship I have with Him. He is my Father, my Savior, my Friend.
Misty, thank you for the reminder that there shouldn't be anything in my life that I wouldn't give up for Jesus and if the Holy Spirit prompted me to do so. I really need to take some time and think about the earthly things that I might be clinging too, without even realizing it. I pray that your friend be convicted by the Holy Spirit about their grasp on their car and find freedom in releasing everything to God, if only symbolically (or practically too if necessary).