Sunday, January 22, 2012

Confession: I met some really cool people today!

Church was awesome today [and yes, Mr McCubbin, I can say Awesome because God's work is awesome!!] :o) ! Worship was really rough for me because my throat has been swollen and on fire for a few days so I don't think my part went very well today but I did what I could with what my voice allowed. I felt bad that I wasn't contributing as much as I should have been.

There were SO MANY new faces today in second service.

I started off by meeting a lady who had a 5 month old. She works at the hospital with a friend of ours and came to our church to try it out because it is a lot closer than hers. We chatted outside the sanctuary for a while talking about how similar our little boys were... before I knew it, our conversation [about 10 minutes] was over and I failed to get her name. She was such a sweetheart and her darling little boy was a huge flirt. Him and B3 were having some sort of baby code talk that was probably them plotting against us for what we were sharing about them. She seems really nice though and I do hope she and her husband and son come back to visit.

We also got to meet Rachel, Ben, Josh, and Nick. This foursome are SVSU students, 3 are on full ride scholarships for football. After meeting them initially in second service, I had to exit due to a somewhat cranky tired baby. While out in the hall I kept feeling like we should invite them out to lunch. Even if they didn't have the finances, I really wanted to get to know this group. After service, we invited them and they were going to pass because they are college freshmen... since we've all been there... we know that it means the money isn't really rolling in the bank account. We offered to pay for them and was surprised that they wanted to come to lunch. While at Charley's we had some good discussions and they seem to want what we want... friends who love Christ and center their lives around it. Josh kind of got his two roommates back on the Christ-train and that was super cool to see a college freshman not afraid to talk about Jesus to those he shares a room with. In today's society, many people stray from the topic of Jesus and instead talk about partying, drinking, food, etc. I loved hearing about their lives and they even said they really liked Crosspoint and that they felt they found 'their' church. How awesome is that? The thing they really liked was the meet & greet time and they just felt extremely welcome. That is music to my ears! We also had two of our other friends go to lunch with us [Jason and Laura] and found out some really good news that Jason had to share. God answers prayers people... he really does.

With all of this COOL stuff happening within our church body, I am somewhat convicted because I really am not spending as much personal time with Jesus as I should be. I am still in my dry spell and my zeal is not where I wished it were. As much as I want to be in my word, I just cannot be excited doing it. When I'm worshiping him, it's a whole different story because I feel extremely connected to Him... but not through reading. I found some old college notes from a theology class I took and reading those was interesting and fun... but not my word. Just gotta keep plugging away I suppose...


  1. Her name is Karrie Molina (her husband is Jayson and her son Kayson). She's a dear one isn't she? She's been a great co-worker for Thor and a good friend to us all.

  2. We can certainly set up a time for all 3 of us to have a playdate. She's got a pretty open schedule during the week.

    1. That would be cool.. She is very nice! I enjoyed our little chat outside the sanctuary.
