... and I'm still feeling really bad about it. Granted, I am not the one who sentenced her but I am the one who turned in the warrant request. I asked the prosecutor to drop the case many times but they did not want to. As I sit here and reflect I'm just lost and torn. Here she is, sitting in prison for 10-3o years. Her children will have to speak to her through glass and will not have the luxury of growing up with their mom. Why do I feel so guilty over this? She is the one who committed the crime. This wasn't her first run in with the law and even though I know this, it's still eating at me. What is going on???
I prayed for her today... I hope that even though she is back in the system that this time it changes her. That she comes out a woman of God or at least a woman asking questions about who God is and what he is about.
Today has just been an interesting day. At Zumba, and yes this is off of the topic of my confession, a lady said that our church only caters to those who are young and married. To me this was funny because a lot of the 'younger' people feel that they cater to the older people. She also stated that my church was very judgmental against people who were, as an example, single moms. I disagreed with her and said that I haven't seen any rude behavior towards any single moms that come and that they are welcome. She stated differently and even gave an example. This really hurt my heart today that someone views my church as being this way. That is not the impression they want to give and I've never seen them give that kind of impression. I guess I will pray for this person and hope that God opens their eyes to see that God is using the church in a wonderful way to bless people and bring people together no matter what is going on. Hm...
as hard as it is to hear those words, it give us an area to pray and be aware of. Thanks for sharing, now more can lift this up in prayer and I mean both requests!
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to hear that she shared she didn't feel like she was being welcomed as a single mom-but I guess glad she felt like she could be honest based on her perception. Do you think there is anything that can be done to address her concerns?